Durrington High School demonstrates business acumen

Following a positive OFSTED inspection, Durrington High School's students have once again displayed their enterprise skills to benefit the school and worked at creating the town's next generation of budding entrepreneurs at the school's enterprise day.

The previous event, last October, involved 350 students, and the impact was felt on the whole of The Boulevard-based school.

The event was featured heavily in the Worthing Herald as it involved students working with the local community in enterprising ways to celebrate 50 years of secondary education at Durrington.

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The success of the day led to the school being able to start planning its 50th anniversary this year and holding a celebration in January with the school's former students from the 1950s.

This event involved students in Year 10 working with local businesspeople such as MGM, B&W speakers, HSBC, Musicworld, Lloyds TSB and Southern Water to become entrepreneurs involved in the opening of a new theoretical music store in Worthing '“ which they then have to launch at an opening event.

Students used their enterprise skills to suggest ways that music and enterprise could combine to improve the school still further and benefit the local community.

Ideas that surfaced included an inter-school battle of the bands hosted by Durrington at the Assembly Hall, a campaign to get a big name music store to open in Worthing and a local music festival on the Durrington campus for the school's 50th anniversary in summer, 2008.

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