Fishbourne photographic project aims to capture our lockdown lives

Amy Rushton - A27 during lockdownAmy Rushton - A27 during lockdown
Amy Rushton - A27 during lockdown
A new photographic project in Fishbourne is aiming to capture our lockdown lives.

Creator Alys Bryan explains: “During this extraordinary time, all of our lives have changed, bringing difficulty but also allowing for new experiences. FISHBOURNElife is an opportunity to document how residents in the Fishbourne community have experienced this period of time. You can enjoy the project by visiting“FISHBOURNElife is a collection of photographs taken by our community. All Fishbourne residents are welcome to take part in this project. Use the ‘Upload Images’ tab in the main menu to submit your photographs. One day, our insights will be invaluable to future generations and historians. Let’s make sure that Fishbourne is part of this future learning.

“Please upload images which show our community and the many marvellous ways we have been there to help and support each other. Upload images of your family at home, on outings and at home school. Upload images of what self-isolation and loneliness looks like to you. Share images of the beauty of Fishbourne, the landscape, the deserted streets and the change of the season. Share with us the impact this period of time has had on your work, both in and out of the home. Share the ways in which you are keeping busy and the objects which have kept you going throughout the lockdown. During this period share images depicting health, as well as ill-health. We welcome images which show routine, safety and the struggles and joys of the lives we are experiencing.

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“FISHBOURNElife is being created as a community photographic record of life in Fishbourne during the coronavirus pandemic 2020.

“Images can be taken at any time after the start of the official lockdown on March 23. This project will run until there is a clear point at which government interventions are stopped.

“The UK Web Archive collects millions of websites each year, preserving them for future generations and is a collaboration between all of the UK Legal Deposit Libraries. FISHOURNElife has been accepted to be archived in the Coronavirus collection which will be available under the Pandemic Outbreaks Collection. It is extremely exciting that our community’s record is now part of the national record of this period of time.”

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