Thousands of care home staff to lose jobs as Covid jab policy kicks in

All care home workers in England are legally required to have been fully vaccinated by 11 November (Photo: Getty Images)All care home workers in England are legally required to have been fully vaccinated by 11 November (Photo: Getty Images)
All care home workers in England are legally required to have been fully vaccinated by 11 November (Photo: Getty Images)

Thousands of care home staff face losing their jobs today as the deadline for mandatory Covid-19 vaccination passes.

From Thursday 11 November, all care home workers in England are legally required to have been fully jabbed against coronavirus to continue in their rolem, unless they are medically exempt.

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50,000 care staff still not fully jabbed

Official NHS figures due this afternoon are expected to show that, as of 7 November, more than 50,000 current care staff have not been recorded as having two vaccine doses.

Of these, several thousand workers are understood to have self-certified as being medically exempt, or have applied for formal proof.

Additionally, of staff not fully vaccinated by 7 November, more than half are thought to have had one vaccine dose.

It is expected that the number of staff double jabbed will have increased in the three days between Sunday and Thursday (7-11 November), but it is still unclear how many workers have already quit over the mandatory requirement.

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