All kinds of success for flower festival

The accomplishment of Christchurch Flower Festival never fails to impress as hundreds of visitors this weekend will testify.

The colour, attention to detail, elegance and sheer artistry of displays have made this an annual event to look forward to. This was the 21st year of the flower festival and was themed around the 1970 Eurovision winner All Kinds Of Everything - a gesture which was rewarded by the singer Dana who sent her special greetings and thanks to the team.

The lyrics of the song were reflected in the floral displays themselves - for instance "All Kinds of Everything" was an artfully arranged melange of many items, from seeded bread to glossy fruit and vegetables, shells and eggs.

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Early Morning Dew was interpreted as white blooms with frosty cobwebs against grass while City sights, Neon lights was an explosion of bright pink, red and yellow flowers like fireworks next to Big Ben. There were many highlights to marvel over in the display, such as the tiny flowers arranged as a box of chocolates and elsewhere a crescent moon made up of creamy angel's breath.

All of the flowers were arranged by Joan Turnwell and Sue Parkinson.

The Flower Festival is organised by the Ladies Supper Club of Christchurch and every year the money made from it is donated to a chosen charity.

Church treasurer Barry Turnwell commented: "We have had an excellent response - I think because we have been going for 21 years that a lot of the people come year after year, but I have met a number of new people that have come as well. It is super, really - very good.

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