
BALCOMBE FLOWER CLUB: this month's demonstrator is Gaenor Circus and her theme is 'Through the Ages.' The doors of the Parish Room open at 7.30pm for an 8.00 pm start on Friday 27 May.

BALCOMBE CLUB LOTTO: will be drawn on Saturday 28 May at 6.00 pm in the Club. If you are there and your name is drawn there is an Attendance Prize.

STOOLBALL CHARITY FUN DAY: takes place on Sunday 5 June from 12 noon at the Balcombe Cricket Club. Teams of 8, maximum 4 men and 2 stoolball players per team. Minimum age is 14 and please wear sensible footwear. Entry per team is £20 and a raffle prize. Come along to the charity fun day and help Balcombe Stoolball Club raise money for Neil’s Club. There is a licensed bar and refreshments, with a wide range of sandwiches, baguettes and cakes and tea and coffee. Amazing raffle, lucky dip, guess the last 3 digits of a £50 and guess a number to win a bottle of Pimms. For more information and to book a team please call Karen on 07788 160264.

RAINFALL: for April was 2.52 inches

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ST. MARY’S CHURCH: Sunday 29 May 8 am Holy Communion, 10 am Parish Eucharist

BALCOMBE BOWLS CLUB: On Saturday 21 May West Hoathly 66 : Balcombe 63. On Sunday 22 May Balcombe 80 : Hawth 50

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