
Chailey newsChailey news
Chailey news
MUM & TODDLER GROUP: at St Peter's Church on Chailey Green, takes place every Friday from 9.30am. This is free of charge and coffee, tea and biscuits will be available. If you or anyone you know would be interested in coming along please contact the Parish Office on 01825 722286 for more

CHAILEY FREE CHURCH: has services every Sunday. A Morning Service takes place at 10.30am and an Evening Service at 6.30pm. All welcome to the services, visit for more details.

LUNCH CLUB: at St Peter’s Church is held monthly in the church on Chailey Green and the next one is on Thursday January 19 at 12.30pm. All are welcome to go along for a delicious meal, meet new people and chat and relax. The food is all freshly prepared and home-cooked with a main course, choice of puddings and tea/coffee for £5 per person. There is easy access and disabled toilet facilities. If you require further information or transport please call Julia Guerard on 01825 722967.

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WOMEN’S INSTITUTE: at the January meeting there was a most interesting talk on Henry III and in particular the Battle of Lewes, by James Dickinson, ably assisted by his wife with the visual display. Members were taken back to the events leading up to the battle and the confrontations with the barons and nobles during Henry’s long reign. The WI meet next, at the village hall, on Tuesday February 7 at 7.45pm when Linda Ball will be talking to us about Local Archaeology. Linda has been leading the Chailey Commons Society archaeological investigations and discoveries for many years and members look forward to learning about this fascinating subject. Visitors and prospective members, as always, will be made most welcome for a small donation. To find out more call Carol Brown on 01825 723757.

BAKE OFF: Will you be Star Baker? The Horticultural Society and Women’s Institute present The Great Chailey Bake Off on Saturday February 25 at the village hall. Like the television series there will be three classes and you can enter as many as you like the cost is 50p per class. Class 1 is the Signature Bake six iced finger buns (sweet yeast dough), your recipe and your flavour. Class 2 the Technical Challenge six French Macarons (recipe provided on registration) and Class 3 the Show Stopper a garden themed decorated cake, one or two tiers. Entries to be set up from midday to 1pm and judging to start at 1pm. The doors will reopen at 2pm for demonstrations, viewing and refreshments and prize giving will be at 3.30pm. There will be separate prizes for 11-16year olds. To register contact Janet at [email protected] or 01273 400785 or Jo at [email protected].

BRIGHTON HALF MARATHON: takes place on Sunday February 26 and Chailey Heritage Foundation has five places to allocate and needs two volunteers to assist on the day. If you would like to take part or are able to assist please call 01825 724752 or email [email protected].

GROW & SHOW: the Horticultural Society hold three Shows a year at the village hall with classes for fruit, veg, flower arranging, crafts and cookery. There are classes for all age groups and experience. The Spring Show is on Saturday March 18 when children can collect a bucket and seed potatoes, plant them and bring the bucket back to the summer show for your crop to be weighed. The heaviest crop wins a cash prize. The Summer Show is on Saturday July 15 and the Autumn Show September 9. The Society also organise a very popular Plant Sale at the Horns Lodge which will be held on Saturday May 20. If you would like to find out more and/or are interested in becoming a member then please contact Jo on [email protected] or Janet on 01273 400785.

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NEW EMAIL ADDRESS: if you would like your event included in this column please email the details to [email protected].

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