Eastbourne teenager wins award for powerful knife crime speech

Lylian Nunoo, photo by Manon PauffinLylian Nunoo, photo by Manon Pauffin
Lylian Nunoo, photo by Manon Pauffin
A teenage girl from Eastbourne has won a prestigious award after delivering a powerful speech in the House of Commons on knife crime.

Lylian Nunoo, from Eastbourne, was awarded the Paul Boskett Award by the British Youth Council for her emotive contribution to a UK Youth Parliament debate on knife crime held in the hallowed chamber in November.

She talked about the rise of so-called ‘county lines’, in which gangs use young people to distribute drugs, questioned controversial stop and search techniques, and spoke emotively about the effects of knife crime on young people.

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In an unscripted speech, the 15-year-old said to fellow Members of the Youth Parliament (MYPs), “You can wash away blood but you cannot wash away the effects of knife crime.