
Keith Pollard, Brookfield, Broadway

In our churches this Sunday… we have Parish Communion at St Andrew’s at 10.30 am, and then there’s Evening Prayer at St Peter’s at 6 pm. This will be a special service at which St Luke, who was a doctor by profession, will be remembered. Members of all churches in the Rye deanery are invited. Rector Richard Barron will be leading the service, with Kay Burnett speaking.

On Sundays, October 20 and 27, they are going to be looking at the subject of Giving to God and, pertinently, the church treasurer will be giving an update on the latest financial situation at the church.

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Spring Forward, Fall back… from November 3 until the end of March 2014, the 6 pm services at St Peter’s will actually commence, as last year, at 4 pm. A repeat of a highly sensible move.

Don’t miss, tomorrow… the Autumn Fair in aid of St Andrew’s Church, which will be taking place at the village hall from 11.30 am to 3 pm. Christian Aid Coffee Morning last Sat Autumn Fair VH 11.30 am to 3 pm. There’ll be stalls, cakes, games, raffles and all sorts and, from 12 noon, hot food!

Wear your poppies with pride… it’s that time of the year again, and the Royal British Legion’s Poppy Appeals Co-ordinator for the Five Villages, John Pulfer, tells me he is presently five door-to-door collectors light for this season’s campaign. He could really do with two collectors for Guestling rounds, two for Pett and one for Fairlight. No round is enormous and, although each patch is allocated to an individual, it is quite common for those doing the job to go round with their partner. The commitment is to cover your allocated area on Saturday and Sunday, October 26 and 27, and then on the two weekends following. Please try to help this most worthy of causes, and give John a call on 814866.

The Preservation Trust... has it’s AGM this Sunday, October 20 in the village hall at 2.30 pm. This work they get through on your behalf is never-ending, and we should all try to be there. New members are welcome, but they are not permitted to vote. See you there, then?

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The latest lunch… for Marsham Conservatives is just over a week away, on Saturday, October 26 at the village hall – in Pett this time. Our own MP, Amber Rudd, will be there, and the guest Speaker will be Tunbridge Wells’ MP Greg Clark, a very active campaigner for improvements to the A21. Greg was appointed a Minister of State ten days ago, on October 7. The cost of the lunch with drinks included is £12 a head, and as the event has been publicised for some time already, one imagines Anne Bird, on 813636, would like to know PDQ if you’d like to attend.

Is a puzzlement… at the Residents’ Association Trivia Quiz in the village hall tomorrow, Saturday, October 19, at 7 for 7.30 pm. Tickets are £6 each, which includes food. You take your own drink and glasses. They are looking for teams of six, and they really wanted to know numbers by Wednesday last to aid the catering side. If you meant to book and forgot, give a committee member a call pronto, and you just might get in!

Still not had enough questions…? The next Cove Quiz in the on-going series at the pub will be on Wednesday, October 30 at 7 pm. Definitely the season for wearing thinking caps…

Incidentally, on the Wednesday before the Quiz, October 23, they have another of their extremely popular acoustic nights.

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Players’ please… with their latest Murder Mystery plus supper, which was a sell-out last Saturday, and a lot of eager beavers presented very convincing answers to the whodunnit – and several of them actually got it right! The idea of freshly cooked fish and chips was also a success, despite some customers having a bit of a wait. 103 meals take a bit of doing!

So that’s one murder finished with, but there’s another on the horizon in the shape of their November production, Prescription for Murder, by Norman Robbins, which will be on-stage from Thursday 7 to Saturday 9 November at 7.30 pm each evening, with a 2.30 pm matinée on the Saturday. As ever, tickets are available from Fairlight Post Office, still priced at £6. Regulars will be aware that there’s always a licensed bar for the Friday and Saturday evening shows.