Granville Bantick’s Rye View

Having lived through the reign of four monarchs I can look back upon my life under the reign of Queen Elizabeth II with greater appreciation of the enormous changes that have taken place in our country, mostly I think for the better.

The Diamond Jubilee celebrations have been a source of reflection as well as a great enjoyable experience. Certainly in Rye and the surrounding villages the enthusiasm to celebrate this wonderful event has been self evident. The bunting and flags will be taken down but the memory of last weekend will live in our minds for ever, such was the outpourings from the citizens of our great country. Surely this must bode well for our future.

Now we have the Olympics to look forward to in July. The Olympic flame (or should I say flames as there is rather more than one Olympic torch) is working its way around the country, and on the 18th July it will arrive in Rye.

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