The big Father Christmas question

This will be Tibbons's third Christmas.

This will be Tibbons's third Christmas - but arguably the first where he's really been able to appreciate the build-up and the sense of anticipation ahead of the day itself.

I had thought that was the case, anyway, until yesterday when a friend asked T if he was looking forward to Christmas - not a flicker of emotion, nor a glimmer of recognition from him that this day of presents, food, and family would soon roll around.

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Assuming that Tibbons was just playing it cool and does, in fact, realise that there's a reason we and all our friends and family have suddenly brought the outdoors indoors in the form of rather unwieldy Christmas trees, Daddy-O and I may face a bit of a parenting conundrum this festive season in the form of a rather jolly, plump fellow with a love of mince pies.