Parish councils start neighbourhood plans

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South Downs parish councils say they are taking the first steps to shape their neighbourhood plans under the new Localism Act.

These plans are said to give parishes and residents the power to say where they want developments to take place in their town or village.

This follows controversial green field developments that have affected South Downs communities across the board, including Storrington’s Melton Drive application that was recently refused approval by Horsham District Council.

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Under the new Act, parishes will have the opportunity to formulate their own plan or cluster with neighbouring parishes in a collaborative effort.

The County Times contacted 13 parishes and asked them where they stood with the Government’s initiative.

Storrington and Sullington at their parish meeting last week, July 24, announced they would be joining forces with Washington.

Washington parish clerk Rebecca Luckin confirmed this and said: “We’re just at the very beginning and will be seeking advice from Action in Rural Sussex (AIRS).”