Scope takes back running of pioneering school near Billingshurst

Scope is to take over the running of the pioneering Ingfield School for Parents which helps young children with cerebral palsy and their parents, after the Dame Vera Lynn Children's Charity said it could no longer afford to fund the service.

Based at Five Oaks near Billingshurst on the site of Scope’s Ingfield Manor School, the School for Parents is based on the principles and practice of Conductive Education that supports children to develop basic motor, sensory and self-help skills such as sitting and standing inspired by the work of Andras Peto.

The Dame Vera Lynn Children’s Charity was set up in 2001 when Scope announced that it would be unable to continue funding the School for Parents - but Scope is now to take back the running of the service.

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Pilar Cloud, Chief Executive, at The Dame Vera Lynn Children’s Charity said: “The Board of Trustees of the Dame Vera Lynn Children’s Charity (DVLCC) have reached an agreement with Scope to formally bring to an end our collaboration on the School for Parents at Ingfield Manor. As a result, the DVLCC will no longer be funding the School for Parents at Ingfield.

“We have enjoyed working with Scope to provide an excellent service to families and their very young children with cerebral palsy and other motor learning impairments, however we can no longer afford to fund this service. We are pleased that Scope is able to continue running the School for Parents.

“We are now planning for the future of the DVLCC and this includes a new location by January 2017.

“We want to continue to support families with very young children with cerebral palsy and other motor learning impairments not only with an early intervention service but also with a range of new services, in a sustainable way. We are looking forward to working with our wider community to make this happen.”

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James Watson-O’Neill, director of services at disability charity Scope, said: “We are disappointed that the Dame Vera Lynn Children’s Charity (DVLCC) is no longer able to fund the School for Parents.

“We will take over the cost of running the School for Parents.

“All members of staff that DVLCC funded to work at the School for Parents will continue to work for Scope.”

The School for Parents is free to families at the point of access and throughout their time at the service.

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