Shoreham Beach road labelled "appalling"

A SHOREHAM Beach man has spent nine months battling to get a pot-holed road resurfaced.

David Cleaver has been lobbying West Sussex County Council about the "appalling state" of the eastern end of Harbour Way on Shoreham Beach.

He said: "No other road in any county would be permitted to remain in such an appalling condition for such a great length of time without causing uproar.

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"I raised this issue in July last year and Harbour Way, as you would expect, is in a far worse condition today.

"The road surface is so pot holed and loose, it is actually peeling away.

"I drive along it every day and my car bumps all over the place.

"The council says pot holes have to be deeper than 40mm for them to be repaired but the whole road surface is giving way.

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"Clearly, the council holds a complete disregard for the residents in this part of Shoreham Beach by refusing to resurface the road."

West Sussex County Council customer services officer for Adur Rebecca Scarratt told Mr Cleaver, of The Moorings, that the new housing development which had been built in Harbour Way, had to have a number of service connections made to it and now Southern Water wanted to install a new sewer in the road this spring.

She said: "It does not represent good value for money if we were to resurface the road and within a few months major sewer works ripped through the new surface.

"Unfortunately, the proposed sewer will run for a long length of Harbour Way since the existing one is inadequate.