
Spooky Tales: I’ve just heard that Geoff Hutchinson’s performance on October 25 (and the support of an audience of some 50) enabled the Friends of St Mary’s to raise the excellent sum of just over £720, a considerable contribution towards our fund for the continuing improvement and maintenance of our parish church - for which the Friends are very grateful to all concerned.

Road Safety: There was a good turnout for the public meeting in St Mary’s Community Hall last Friday evening. It soon became clear that several of the various suggested ways of reducing traffic speed on B2089 within the parish boundary are not worth serious consideration at present: flashing speed indicators (very expensive, especially as to be effective an indicator at either end of the parish would need to be supplemented by other intermediate indicators), roadside “entry gates” (found locally to be ineffective after the first few months), stretches of roadside footpath, to encourage pedestrians (only short stretches would be affordable, and how would they be chosen?), rumble strips and/or chicanes (likely to be permissible only where 30 mph speed limit applies, and to warn of specific hazards), and the resumption of our village voluntary “Speed Watch” (which has to await our compliance with specific new regulations).

Discussion centred on two other remedies: 1) measures to provide drivers with constant reminders along the full length of the 40 mph zone, such as the painting (and regular repainting) of the figures 40 on the road surface each way opposite every one of the present roadside repeater signs, and 2) eastward extension of the 40 mph zone from Cock Marling as far as the Rye 30mph zone, thereby removing all possible confusion which may arise from variation in speed limits (and reducing the present risk of collisions at the junction with Dumbwoman’s Lane, combined with double white lines on either side of that junction). The results of this discussion were recorded by the Parish Clerk and are likely to be taken into account in the Parish Council’s submission to the County Council. This will probably be one of the items on the Parish Council’s agenda when councillors meet next week (more details follow below).

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