Health warning as heatwave on the way - temperatures set to pass 30C

Sussex could be enjoying temperatures of more than 30degC this week but the mini-heatwave has triggered a health alert.

The Met Office said there was an “80% probability” of heatwave conditions between noon on Tuesday (June 30) and 6am on Thursday in parts of England, including parts of Sussex.

Temperatures are set to soar as a swathe of roasting air sweeps in from northern France and Spain.

Coastal areas are set to be a degree or two cooler.

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The forecast triggered a ‘Level 2’ alert with the Met Office warning: “Heatwaves can be dangerous, especially for the very young or very old or those with chronic disease.”

The Level 2 alert - calling for “alert and readiness” - is the third-highest warning that can be issued.

Graham Bickler of Public Health England said: “There is considerable evidence that heatwaves are dangerous and can kill.

“In the 2003 heatwave, there were 2,000 to 3,000 excess deaths [more than usual] in England. Across Europe, there were around 30,000 excess deaths.”

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