All outdoor exercise has been banned in South Australia - could the UK do the same?

South Australia has implemented one of the world’s strictest lockdowns, introducing tough measures as part of a circuit breaker lockdown.

The new rules - passed under the Emergency Management (Covid-19) (Stay at Home) Direction 2020 - state that, for six days, only one person from a household will be allowed to leave, and for essential reasons only.

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State Premier, Steven Marshall, said, “We need this circuit breaker, this community pause.

“We are going hard and we are going early. Time is of the essence and we must act swiftly and decisively.”

The move comes after an outbreak of 22 Covid-19 cases emerged in the state. Authorities reported that a hotel cleaner contracted the virus from a quarantined traveller who had returned from the UK.

From there, the virus was spread to the cleaners extended family in Adelaide, the state’s capital city.

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