Action from Findon's 102-run win at home to Worthing in Sussex Cricket League division three west / Picture: Stephen GoodgerAction from Findon's 102-run win at home to Worthing in Sussex Cricket League division three west / Picture: Stephen Goodger
Action from Findon's 102-run win at home to Worthing in Sussex Cricket League division three west / Picture: Stephen Goodger

Findon beat Worthing - cricket picture gallery

Findon produced a fine bowling and fielding performance to beat Worthing by 102 runs in division three west of the Sussex League.

Knocks of 48 from Felix Jordan and 42 by Harrison Grayston enabled Findon to reach 189 all out, Worthing' s star bowler being Shane Felton with 5-38. But if it looked a gettable total, Findon had other ideas and Brad Brinson's men bowled out the visitors for just 87. Giorgio Rigali (30) was the only batsman to pass 20 and Graham Manser's 4-21 and David Everitt's 3-15 helped the hosts to the win. It leaves Findon fifth in the table, Worthing eight. See pictures by Stephen Goodger on this page and the ones linked.