REVIEW: The Angmering Chorale sings Jenkins and Rutter

Many people will remember the 12th March as the day that England beat Wales in the Six Nations, but some witnessed a truly sensational performance as England and Wales combined forces in Arundel Cathedral.

The spring concert on 12th March for the Angmering Chorale marked a momentous occasion as it was the first concert in the choir’s 40th Anniversary year. Unlike the Six Nations, the first half was dominated by the Welsh, as the choir performed a series of Motets from the choir’s patron, Karl Jenkins. “Motets” is a selection of pieces from his works, (some of which are orchestral), that had been arranged as choral pieces. Halfway through the second half, we saw a “turn-over of play” as the English made their appearance as the choir performed “Feel the Spirit” by John Rutter. ”Feel the Spirit” is a selection of well-known American spirituals arranged by Rutter such as “Deep River” and “Oh When the Saints” which brought a lively and fun end to the concert where the audience also had to play their part and sing along with the choir.

The highlight of the second half was the appearance of the young Rosanna Cooper, a student of the Royal College of Music, who wowed the choir with her true but powerful Mezzo-Soprano voice. The Musical Director of the Angmering Chorale, George Jones, was equally impressed with Rosanna saying that “It is great to see some English talent and a powerful voice come out of someone as young as Rosanna. She is definitely one to watch out for in the future”.

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