‘It’s a reflection of the hard work’: Cafe rated the best place to get tea and coffee in Eastbourne by Tripadvisor users

The founders of a cafe that has been ranked the best place for tea and coffee in Eastbourne have said their secret is attention, care and passion.

Ben and Lucy Nicholson opened Nelson Coffee in Terminus Road back in 2014, before moving to Station Parade last year.

On Tripadvisor the cafe is rated the best place for tea and coffee in the town with four-and-a-half stars out of five from 393 reviews

Mr Nicholson said: “We are very happy because it’s a reflection of the hard work that ourselves and all of our team put in every day.

“We wanted to do really good coffee or else we wouldn’t have bothered in the first place. We don’t want to just make a profit. We are very pleased because we want to do something really good in the town. That is our drive, to deliver something good for the town."

Mrs Nicholson added: “It’s lovely. We basically just do our thing. We are led by our own principles and hope that they hit with people.

"There is a lot more competition in the town as well, so for people to feel that way about us is even more amazing. There have been times when there has been no one in the town and you can’t help but feel that, but you try and remind yourself the reason why you get up everyday and do it and hope it works with people.”

Mr Nicholson said the secret to a perfect cup of coffee is attention, care and passion.

He added: “[The secret is] wanting to produce something that is doing the coffee that you bought justice.

“We only buy coffee that is the highest grade so we are paying more for that coffee.”

Nelson Coffee gets its beans green from Brazil, Colombia, Peru, Ethiopia and Rwanda before roasting them in-house.

Mrs Nicholson said: “It is like baking a cake. There are things that have to line up. There is weighing and timing and all of those things that we never forego and whilst it means that our industry isn’t always very quick at dispensing coffee, it means you know the end result is good.”

Jacob’s review:There is a great vibe inside the cafe and it was no surprise to see young people doing work by the window.

With any cafe a huge part of the experience is the service and Lucy was extremely friendly and helpful. Her bubbly personality boosted my spirits as much as the caffeine did.

I resisted the urge to get some of the baked goods on offer and decided to try one of Nelson Coffee’s lattes. Not only did it look fantastic but it tasted phenomenal. When my colleague asked me what could be better I struggled to name anything, therefore I have to give the coffee a 5/5.

I would consider myself a bit of a coffee connoisseur and often prefer an espresso from my moka pot at home rather than going to a cafe, but this latte really impressed me.