Clothes fit for little ladies and lords

Picture: Emma KirwinPicture: Emma Kirwin
Picture: Emma Kirwin
Charlotte Harding heads to Worthing to meet a children's clothing designer.

Growing up Emma Kirwin always felt like she was born in the wrong era.

“I wanted to dress like Jemima from Chitty Chitty Bang Bang or someone from Mary Poppins,” she reveals.

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“But it was the 1970s so even then I would have looked odd.”

Picture: Emma KirwinPicture: Emma Kirwin
Picture: Emma Kirwin

Embarking in a career in fashion she started with a degree in fashion design and marketing and went to work for retail giant Arcadia as a buyer for brands such as Topshop and Dorothy Perkins.

“I loved that job I got to travel the world and meet exciting people,” she says.

“If I hadn’t had children I probably would have stayed in that role.”

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Based in Worthing and commuting to London Emma found that she was missing out on key moments and wanted to spend more time with her family.

Picture: Emma KirwinPicture: Emma Kirwin
Picture: Emma Kirwin

It was while making clothes for her own children - Posy, five, and Freddie, seven, - that the chance to start her own business and be at home more came about.

“I had started to make clothes and dresses for Posy and people would comment on how good they were,” she recalls.

“I had friends asking if I could make them pieces and then people requested waistcoats and it grew from there.”

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