Exhibition at Redstack

By: Gill.Miller SOME hot colours of Australia will be on show in the original foyer of the Redstack Playhouse next Saturday (16) when a local artist stages her first solo exhibition.

There will also be a few local scenes including the De La Warr Pavilion if Sally Wise can finish the work in time before returning to her teaching job this week.

Although born in England, Sally grew up "down under" for 30 years of her life and with family still there, she is feeling the pull again. Sally, husband Peter and daughter Isabel will soon be leaving their Wilton Road home to live in the southern hemisphere.

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While living here, her paintings have mainly revolved around Australian scenes but she expects that when the move is complete, she will feel homesick for England which will show in her art.

The main focus of "Colourwise" (with a name like Wise she thought she may as well exploit it) will be the colours of Australia; reds and oranges and more subtle colours of the Blue Mountains with its constantly changing vista.

Expect some bright, bold paintings such as the Rainbow Lorikeets pictured with Sally.

"Where I used to live and my mother lives now, they used to flock into your garden. You don't have to go into some bird sanctuary or zoo to see them," she said.

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She hopes to have some 20 plus pieces on display, all of which will be for sale. Her work is done mainly on box canvas although there will be a few framed pieces.