Facebook post goes viral after Sussex mum shares story of toddler scalded by cup of tea

Claire James from Faygate with her son, William SUS-200617-154359001Claire James from Faygate with her son, William SUS-200617-154359001
Claire James from Faygate with her son, William SUS-200617-154359001

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A Sussex mum who took to Facebook after her two-year-old son pulled a mug of hot tea over himself has had her post offering advice of what to do in that situation go viral.

Claire James, from Faygate in Horsham, shared the details of William’s accident and how the the quick thinking of her husband, Edward, saved the toddler from needing prolonged treatment such as a skin graft.

The post has so far had 15K reactions, 9K comments and 72K shares.

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The 33-year-old said: “I wanted to share William’s story, because while I felt incredible shame and guilt, I knew this was a genuine accident that happened to someone who is a good parent.

William James' burns after he accidentally pulled a cup of tea over himself SUS-200617-154349001William James' burns after he accidentally pulled a cup of tea over himself SUS-200617-154349001
William James' burns after he accidentally pulled a cup of tea over himself SUS-200617-154349001

“Which means there will be hundreds of other parents out there doing a wonderful job every day, but that are just as susceptible to these accidents, and that may, like me, not know what to do if this situation arises for them.

“The post has had huge reception, with many thanking me for sharing amd confirmimg that they had no idea what to do in that situation.

“In fact, a mother emailed me last week saying that she was so grateful to have seen my post as within days the same happened to her child, and she therefore knew what to do. That for me, proved that I did the right thing in sharing. I’m so grateful to have been able to help her and her daughter.”

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The accident took place at the family home on Sunday, May 17, during breakfast just after Claire had poured hot water into her mug, removed the tea bag and put in the milk.

A message from someone who said Claire James' viral Facebook post helped them SUS-200617-154339001A message from someone who said Claire James' viral Facebook post helped them SUS-200617-154339001
A message from someone who said Claire James' viral Facebook post helped them SUS-200617-154339001

She said: “William was always able to see and cite when things were ‘hot’ because we had taught him that you must be careful with anything that is hot, however, I don’t suppose you can expect a two-year-old to be able to rationalise what that actually means.

“So having just returned the milk the the fridge and turned around, I saw William reach up to the cup and clasp the handle. It was in fact me shouting ‘William, no!’ that startled him and caused the cup to fall over.

“My husband has worked for Southern Water for over 15 years, so health and safety and first aid have been an enormous part of his job.

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“He immediately picked William up and put him under cool running water in our kitchen sink. I had gone completely blank with panic and shock at this stage and was nothing short of useless - all I could do was hold William’s face and tell him it was going to be okay.”