Police apologise to victim's family after '˜stalker' ex-boyfriend convicted of murder

Shana Grice. Picture: Sussex PoliceShana Grice. Picture: Sussex Police
Shana Grice. Picture: Sussex Police
Sussex Police has apologised to the family of Shana Grice, after her ex-boyfriend Michael Lane was convicted of her murder this afternoon (March 22).

The jury at Lewes Crown Court heard how Miss Grice had contacted police in February 2016, reporting that she was being stalked by Lane.

She told police he had damaged the car belonging to Shana and her boyfriend and police warned Lane to stay away from her.

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A month later, Miss Grice contacted police again, claiming Lane had assaulted her.

But she was later fined for ‘wasting police time’ after failing to disclose she was in an ‘on-off relationship’ with Lane.

Police said Lane was given a caution in July 2016 after he stole a key to the back door of Miss Grice’s home and stood in her bedroom for one minute at 6am the following morning.

Later that month Shana reported receiving calls from a withheld number with heavy breathing, as well as being followed by Lane in his car while she was driving. It later emerged that Lane had fixed a tracking device to Miss Grice’s car.

She was killed on August 25 2016.