Concerns raised after communal bins moved

People living in an estate of central Brighton flats are angry their bins have moved on to the streets.

Residents of Hampshire Court, many of whom are elderly or disabled, used to put their rubbish in communal bins kept in storerooms inside the block.

But now, the large black bins have been moved a short walk away to a turning circle in Veronica Way.

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City Clean head of operations Melissa Francis told tenants representatives at a Housing Panel the bins were moved after there were issues with uneven paving and staff had been injured.

There has been a historic issue with cars blocking access by parking in the turning area, despite there being double yellow lines, making it difficult for refuse vehicles to reach the bins.

She said: “If the paving was sorted out, if the parking was sorted out and we could use smaller bins because these are too heavy, we could carry on collecting.”

Currently Hampshire Court should have its bins collected twice a week, which the residents said was not happening. However, the meeting also heard there were no reports of complaints to City Clean.

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Tomm Nyhuus, who lives at nearby Somerset Point, said: “Last week the bins were not emptied at all in our building.

“The bin room was filled up outside the bins, two metres high with rubbish.”

Residents were told there are some delays with refuse collections and particularly recycling collections at the moment following the fire at the Hollingdean Depot in August.

This has resulted in longer journeys for refuse vehicles as rubbish and recycling is going further away to Newhaven and Hove.

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Ms Francis said the problem was compounded by seven refuse vehicles breaking down and drivers being unavailable.

She said City Clean is sorting through the problems but admitted there were “service failures” across the whole of Brighton and Hove.

Green councillor Siriol Hugh-Jones, who chairs the panel, said: “If residents are unhappy, in order for City Clean to respond people need to make them aware of particularly instances of missed collections.

“Involve your local councillors. I know from my experience it has made a difference.”

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