Social group celebrates five fantastic years

Founder Julie Sherrington W03380H13Founder Julie Sherrington W03380H13
Founder Julie Sherrington W03380H13
Worthing Meet Up celebrated the group's fifth anniversary on Saturday and the party was a huge success.

Julie Sherrington launched the social networking group when she moved to the town, as she travels for a living and found it increasing difficult to meet new friends.

“We were so excited when we got our first 50 members but now we have more than 1,200, all local singles and couples that have made new friends, tried new skills and enhanced their lives,” she said.

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“It really has been an amazing five years and hopefully the group will continue to grow. We have also raised money for numerous local charities and good causes, by way of raffles and special events.”

Julie launched the group with the help of her friend Martin Richardson and called it Why Go Out Alone Worthing Meet Up.

“We purposely did not want it to be a singles group and aimed it at singles and couples as a friendship social group for anyone and everyone,” explained Julie.

“We aimed it at the over-40 age group, however we do have a few younger members and there is no age limit. We have plenty of members as ripe as 85 and believe me they are always first on the dance floor.”

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Members do not pay to join and can come and go as they please. There are regular weekly events, such as pub quizzes, badminton, cycling, walking, live music, lunches, dinners,coffee morning,talks. There are numerous additional events that include barbecues, sports days, games nights, bowling, concerts, days out, tours, weekends away, poker, skittles and karaoke.

Julie said: “We encourage members to come along to the monthly new joiners meetings as this is a gentle ice breaker for them. Once they take the first step, there is no stopping them.

“The group is very friendly and welcoming and if a new member feels nervous about entering a venue, we provide a contact number and personally meet them outside.

“We like to keep tours, events, etc., as local as possible, so if any local businesses have an experience they feel the group would enjoy, please let us know.”

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