Universal Children's Day

STUDENT representatives from all Bexhill's schools and colleges, attended the second 'Universal Children's Day', Pupils Conference at Bexhill College on Thursday.

Arranged in conjunction with the Bexhill Consortium, organiser of the event, Pat Strickson, Head Teacher of Pebsham school, explained more about the day and how the conference came about.

She said: "The 20th of November is United Nations Day and Universal Children's Day, and I thought it was important to know more, and do more about this day."

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The 20th November marks the day in which the UN General Assembly adopted the Declaration of the Rights of the Child which came about in 1954 when the Assembly recommended that all countries institute a Universal Children's Day, 'to be observed as a day of worldwide fraternity and understanding between children and of activity promoting the welfare of the world's children.'

Last year Pat set the wheels in motion and planned the first pupils conference in the local area.

Pupils from each of Bexhill's schools, nominated as 'Global Ambassadors' by their teachers, and class mates, attend the conference.

Pat said: "The children who are nominated as Global Ambassadors really have an important job. They come from every school in Bexhill and have the opportunity to find out about world links that the schools have and how to make better links; children have the right to receive and share information and have their say; it's about their place in the world and how the world can be a better place in the future."

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Accordingly, Pat said that last years conference proved just how valuable this event was to all concerned: "Last year was really wonderful, it was amazing how thoughtful the students are, how concerned they are about their future, and how they understand the importance of everyone working together."

She added: "Some of their comments are very thought provoking."

This years conference at Bexhill college, which Pat said was planned and organised with the help of Sarah John, consisted of a full day's agenda, encompassing many interesting, educational topics for the pupils to enjoy and participate in, and the agenda's statement made it clear what the aims of the conference were.

It read: 'Our aim today....is to link together as Global Citizens, making new friends, gathering information, developing our understanding of the world, planning for the future, to enrich learning for all Bexhill children and students.'

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Throughout the day, pupils were given the opportunity to participate in workshops, including one on Fairtrade, presented by former St Richards teacher and Chairman of Bexhill Fairtrade Town Committee Jack Doherty.

A themed lunch with 'international aspects', prepared by Bexhill college students, was followed by an afternoon of special guest speakers which included Rother District Council Chief Executive Derek Stevens.

Pat said as part of their duties, the Ambassadors would be reporting back to their schools and colleges on the events of the conference.

She said: "It's amazing how these students can motivate - they have great influence."

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