Most Brits rely on credit and finance more than ever – with younger people affected the most

A poll of 2,000 adults found 60 per cent of 25-34-year-olds believe the rising cost of living has made it more financially difficult for them than older age groups.

And 48 per cent of young adults are using credit and finance options more than they did 12 months ago, compared to just 24 per cent of those aged 55-64.

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Only 28 per cent of 25-34-year-olds pay the full amount right away when purchasing new items, instead relying on deposits and finance, whereas 73 per cent of 55-64 year olds pay in one go.

Bills, food and rent are the three biggest outgoings for young people every month.

But only 17 per cent of 25-34-year-olds have money to spare at the end of the month, compared to 64 per cent of people aged 55-64.

Anita Naik, savings expert at VoucherCodes, which commissioned the research to launch a competition for someone to win an entire rent-free summer, said: “Life has suddenly become more expensive for all of us.

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"It can be particularly difficult for young people to cope with this change – especially if they haven’t been financially independent for long, as it’s now trickier for them to balance investing in the future with enjoying the present.

“Collecting vouchers from newspapers and magazines used to be the norm for older generations.

"But it may surprise people to hear discount vouchers can still help people make significant savings nowadays, so finance and credit don't have to be the only options for young people to obtain the things they want and need.”

In the current climate, financial security is a worry for younger generations, with the top concerns named as being able to retire (42 per cent), having substantial savings (42 per cent) and getting on the property ladder (40 per cent).

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