The world’s most popular football freestylers are helping children ‘keepie uppie’ with their education

F2 stars Jeremy Lynch and Billy Wingrove, who have more than 12 million YouTube subscribers, will be using their unique tricks to boost numeracy and physical activity for 5 to 11-year-old kids who can’t attend class.

The daily videos, which start on Monday, use the universal language of football to provide some light relief to homelife during temporary school closures, while enhancing children’s key number skills.

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The Santander UK ambassadors have partnered with Twinkl to host The Numbers Game, with the learning resources designed to be in line with UK curriculums.

To launch the free series, Jeremy and Billy showed off their dazzling football skills while adhering to the government’s guidelines on social distancing.

Jeremy said: “We’re excited to be a part of this campaign with Santander and Twinkl.

“Being active is so important for our health and using football to keep moving whilst building maths skills is a great way to combine learning with the