A united voice for Rooks fans

LEWES Football Club fans this week voted to set up an official supporters trust in order to give Rooks followers a "united and democratic voice".

At a meeting held at the John Harvey Tavern, supporters voted almost unanimously to dissolve the existing supporters club and set up a trust that would give fans better recognition in law.

Those present at the meeting heard how the trust would operate under a democratic one member one vote policy, and how the majority of the 150 trusts already set up had led to a fans' representative ending up on their club's board of directors '“ and even buying shares in their club.

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Steve Watts, the chairman of the existing supporters club '“ which will be dissolved on August 1, to be replaced by the trust in the middle of that month '“ admitted that the Lewes FC board of directors was not obliged to invite a representative onto the board '“ or even recognise the trust's existance at all '“ but insisted the organisation could still do things to help the club nevertheless.

And he said the aim of the trust was to "complement, not compete, with the football club".

James Mathie, of Supporters Direct '“ the body that helps fans set up supporters trusts '“ and Chris Stewart, former chairman of AFC Wimbledon '“ home of probably the most famous supporters trust in the country '“ spoke at the meeting to tell fans why setting up a trust was so beneficial.

Mr Mathie said, "Why criticise (your club) when you can have an input? Use your skills and help take the club forward."

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