Next generation of anglers shown the ropes at Apuldram

STORMY conditions didn't stop the annual Chichester Harbour Conservancy fishing and crabbing event from being a success.

It was hosted by the Apuldram Fishing and Boating Club in partnership with the Education Centre at Dell Quay.

More than 35 children and adults braved conditions and took part in an enjoyable day.

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An experienced team of club members were on hand with rods, bait, buckets, crabbing lines and nets to help newcomers.

The fishing clubhouse and education centre were open for refreshments and information.

The day began with an introduction by members of the fishing club and a safety talk by Judi Darley from the conservancy.

There was excitement as fishing rods were baited and cast from the quay and adjacent floating pontoons into a fast-moving, rising tide.