4,428 kisses and 6,960 spillages: stats in the life of your average sofa

The life of a sofa...The life of a sofa...
The life of a sofa...
It seems we might all be spending rather longer than usual on our sofas in the next few months.

So here are a few sofa facts to make you appreciate all the more your new best friend.

The average sofa will witness couples kissing 4,428 times, have 6,960 food and drink spillages on it – and will be slept on 612 times after one person is relegated from the bedroom.

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The new Lottoland survey also discloses that over the course of the average 12-year life of a sofa, it will also see 3,240 arguments, families sit down to watch 5,340 films and 4,293 hours – almost 179 solid days – of phone conversations.

It will also be home to people watching a total of 7,482 hours – the equivalent of 312 days – of TV, along with 3,276 hours, or just over two-and-a-half months, of computer games being played.

It also emerged that despite all the action seen by the average sofa, 12 per cent of people admit they have never cleaned it, with another 21 per cent saying it has been at least a year.

A spokesman for Lottoland, which commissioned the research of 2,000 adults said: “With so many of us staying at home at the moment, we’ll no doubt be spending a lot more time living life from the comfort of our sofa.

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“Far from just being a place to sit, the humble living room sofa can be the scene of many pivotal moments in family life – whether it’s arguments and the subsequent making up or a power nap after a long day.

“For many, being able to collapse into a favourite spot on the sofa at the end of the day can be a highlight.

“It is a place of rest and relaxation, and where most Brits will switch off from the day's events, whether that’s by placing a bet, playing computer games or unwinding in front of the TV for a couple of hours.”

The poll of 2,000 adults also found the average sofa will be home to people reading books for 4,349 hours – the equivalent of more than 26 weeks over the 12 years.