Game review - Aliens: Colonial Marines

It’s been quite a long time since we had a game based off of the fantastically epic Ridley Scott trilogy of films.

Let’s face it, not many have quite cut it, although a universe such as the Aliens universe isn’t that easy to emulate and bring forth its unique feel.

Well it’s finally here, developed by Gearbox Software and published by Sega, Aliens: Colonial Marines, a first person shooter which brought us a lot of hope of a true to life Aliens experience upon its announcement, but does it deliver all expectations?

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Set seventeen weeks after the events of Aliens, players take control of a United States Colonial Marine named Cpl Christopher Winter who is part of a team on board the USS Sephora, which has been sent out to investigate a distress call from the USS Sulaco.

Upon boarding the Sulaco, it is not long before Cpl Winter discovers the Sulaco has fallen victim to an extensive Xenomorph infestation which has impregnated and killed everyone on board except from Cpl Dwayne Hicks, who helps the player throughout sections of the game.

The xenomorphs then begin to use the crew of the Sephora as hosts to their offspring and so you as Winters must find a way to rescue whoever you can and end the infestation.

I didn’t like the story, even though thanks to the decent voice acting it progressed nicely and at a steady pace.

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